
I dumped my boyfriend because he was embarrassing but i think i still love him?

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ok so i just dumped my boyfriend and i didnt love him when i dumped him but then as he has been gone i have missed him. i dumped him because he was embarrassing at times. and people always gave me c**p about dating him. i truly THINK that i love him still because recently he has kissed another girl and i got very jealous and sad. i dont know what to do... someone help me




  1. Since you asked; the problem here is you, & your feelings, not him.

    You were the one feeling embarrassed, because of your friends.

    Your current 'feelings' are just jealousy, don't confuse it with love.

    What you need to do is grow up a little; not listen to your friends.

    True love is based on commitment to a relationship, not feelings.

    He is certainly better off without you, & your nasty friends.

  2. that is mighty shallow of you

  3. Don't get back together with him, trust me. If he has already moved on and you asked him out again, you would just get crushed and I wouldn't want you to be crushed. And Jacob R is very harsh. That is might shallow of HIM to even say that. Anyways, find a way to make HIM jealous. Kiss a hot guy. You deserve someone better, anyways!

  4. You are CRAZY.

    That just like saying I don't want to be your best friend anymore

    to your best-friend that you have known for many years!

    Who cares what other people think??

    If you love him, be with him!


  5. You didn't love him when you dumped him... so, why worry about it now? I'm not sure what the real issue is here. Is it that you don't want someone else to have him, even though you don't want him? Why do you think you love him now, when he was just an embarrassment to you before? You seem a bit confused about your true feelings. I think you're both probably better off without each other. I would let this one go!

  6. if you truly loved him,you wouldn't care what people think,trust me....

  7. Well, lots of people are embarrassing at times, but a lot of it has to do with you, rather than them.  You 'choose' (consciously or not) to be embarrassed because you hold certain opinions about topics or looks, or whatever.

    In any case, you probably dumped him for a good reason.  Jealousy is a normal thing to feel when anyone you were close with moves on to someone else.  Trust me, it can even happen with the biggest jerks in the world!  

    Feeling jealous and sad does not mean you love him.  It may mean that you miss certain aspects of him, but it could also just be because we are somewhat territorial.  

    It is hard to tell at this stage whether it is love; only time will tell.  Most likely, you will get over him, but if not, things will work themselves out.    If you are really unsure, hang out with him for awhile, and see if what he says/does/looks like/etc. really bothers you (or if it is just a result of having shallow friends).  If so, have a talk with him (if he is willing).  Ask him why he does whatever you find embarrassing.  Maybe he just thinks it is funny, and will stop if you ask.  If it is a personality trait, you will not be able to change it (at least not without therapy or lots of work), so either adjust your attitude, or accept that you are not right for each other.

  8. You never loved him if you thought he was embarrassing. Even if it was at times.

  9. You can't say that you loved him. Just because of the simple fact you left because of what other people thought about him and your relationship. Believe me, I know about the c**p you have to deal with. I am in an interracial relationship and that is more harder than just being embarrassed. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. And I believe the only reason you miss him is because you were used to him. Not because you loved him. You just don't want the other chick to have what you miss. You'll get over it.  

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