
I dunno but i feel kind of lost with my husband?

by  |  earlier

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i know i post all the time about this.. but i feel we hv ZERO communication.

it gets less talking after kids i understand .

Anyways i dunno he has always been a closed kind of guy but off late u feel more upset at the way he "ignores" my presenvce unknowingly .. .

u know?

on 2nd sep he is going for 3 weeks overseas(business) so wat do i do?

iv tried talking but it never helps.




  1. If communication doesn't help...I don't really know what to tell you. Perhaps it's time to invest some of your energy into yourself and to do things that you enjoy doing...regardless of him or whether or not he pays attention to you. Personally, I couldn't live in a relationship where communication was nil and my partner didn't care how I felt or what I needed. I'd move on.  

  2. Are you two friends or just husband and wife?

    What dreams have each of you not worked on?

    We all only get one life.  At the end of the day, our lives are our own.  There's something missing in your lives.

    People that are doing interesting things have things to talk about.

  3. u knoe after reading yr query i feel i go thru d same ...sumtime, n i guess this is all because of d communication gap dt cums b/w a couple splly after kids enter thier life.... but now AS U  SAY TALKING DOES NOT HELP so i guess demonstrate yrself... i mean yr feeling thru a channel which he has to acknowledge unknowingly, like he is going out tell him u want d same- so now dt u both r going out to diff. places someone has 2 c where d kids will b?

    n this time let it b his job 2 c d things thru with kids n yes make sure to tell him dt ull b busy packing yr stuff so he can do his own packing but he can surely ask 4 help..................i hope this surely will root many ques in his mind

    best of luck

  4. try and get to talk to you not necessarily about complain, talk to him about his journey and tell him you will miss him for that period, please stop nagging about everything everytime, try gentle loving instead

  5. may be he have some trobule or he is love in with some one u should dicuss with him very softly gently n beg him to tell u what is going on what he want for u or what is his problem . plz hurry u dont have so much time . this last time try ur best my friend may GOD help u . best of luck  

  6. I don't know if you have ever tried this yet but sometimes when I can't get someone too listen too me when I feel we need to talk I sit down and write them a e-mail. I try to explain everything there and they either call or write back but one way or another we have been able too talk about it. It has always seem to work for me. I know my boyfriend is kind of a closed man also and doing this we are able too talk about alot of things.

  7. Prepare his bags. Keep the clothes he likes the most. I am sure if you show care for him, he will respond positively, may be slowly.

  8. make time for you both without the kids.

    If you can, get a family member to take the kids and go away with him

  9. I agree with the first post.  Love is something you have to work on ALL OF THE TIME it does come and go we hit flat spots.  However if you don't want it to work then it will not.  It is ALL on you (and him) honey...

  10. tell him he better keep his pants on , when he is on this  supposed buisness trip -  

  11. Kids is no reason for him to pull away from you so I think no that is not cool.If he isn't talking to you there is a reason and it's not the kids .I would be do mad .And straight up ask him what is his problem.

  12. Do something about yourself that will focus his attention to you like, enhancing your physical appearance. Exercise or go to the gym if you are overweight. You have to be fit to be beautiful and look fabulous even after years of marriage. Try this before he comes back from overseas and he won't ignore you anymore...

  13. Leave the kids with either you mom or his mom and join him for a week at the end of his business trip.

    You would be surprised what a new place can do to bolster your relationship with your hubby.

    perhaps the poor guy is having some kind of EDS problem and is afraid that you would reject him if you find out.

    Talk - keep talking until u get answers - Good luck to you both

  14. I think it's time to get his attention.  You have to sit him down, take your hands and place them on his face, to make eye contact.  Then, tell him your feelings, that your not happy with our life, your deserve more in your life.  Give him a chance to reply, if not the reply your needing, then you will have to drop the bomb and tell him that your needing to find companionship and sense he is not willing to provide that, then you need permission to find it.  This will have one or two effects, one it will get his attention and he will try to save the relationship, or he will just shrug his shoulders and say, whatever.  Either way, at that point you have given it your best shot, so get out, meet some new people and interact with them in whichever category that you wish.  Good luck.

  15. thats what my ex used to do with me. i know its different but do you know for a fact that he is going on a business trip or do u think he is having an affair..that might be why he is being so distant?

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