
I earn 8000 euro a year,can i get a credit card?

by Guest33728  |  earlier

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i live in ireland,can i get a credit card if i earn 8000 a year?and how do i get one?




  1. How much you earn shouldn't affect your ability to get a credit card that much.  What matters is that you are over 18 and are not in any serious debt already.  I got a credit card when I earned £8,000 and there isn't a huge difference between pounds and Euros these days

  2. What you need to do is earn MORE than 8000. That's a pretty good starting point I would say. I earn 100,000 and I've got a platinum, myself. Hope this helps(smiles, smugly).

    ps-just kiding, you dont want one, they'll put you in so much debt.

  3. I very much doubt you will get one and if you do it will prob have a rediculous APR.  Shop around your banks and for deals and apply online

  4. As banks have gotten more carefull lately on giving out credit cards, it might be hard.

    However, if your bankstatements proof you don't have debts you might be able to get one with, say a €500 or €750 limit.

    Go to your own bank and let them know you are lookung for a CC for renting a car, booking flights etc online. Ask for a mimimum credit on it, and it should not really be a problem, as they can see all your financial activities.

    Your own bank would not give you a creditcard if they feel your spending doesnt allow it. If they say no, they are probably right.

    Offcourse you can get one online, buit these companies are often not safe companies to go with, especially with your income! They'll promiss you the world and sort you out straight away, but they are not flexibel and charge high (hidden) interest and other charges (to make up for the risk they rake handing out credit to every idiot that asks for it, even if they cant afford it)

  5. I hope your working part time on that wage, because its below the minimum wage.  

    Apply for a credit card, why not.  They'll want to see your bank statements and proof of address, if you do get one they might only give you a very small credit limit.  Apply to the bank you have your current account with. that might help your application.

  6. Apply online here.

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