
I eat Pho for lunch like 2 times a week. A small meatball pho, with one spring roll. I put all the?

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garnishings on it, sprouts, hot sauce, hoison, etc. How fattening, cholesterol, etc is that?

It will fill me up for the whole day and I won't have to eat dinner.




  1. Pho is considered to be a very healthy, balanced meal.  I can't tell you exactly how many calories, how much cholesterol etc, as the recipe will differ from place to place, but don't worry about it being bad for you... especially as you stay full all day and don't need an evening meal, you definitely won't exceed the required daily calories.

    I used to eat one veg or beef pho and one veg laksa for lunch every week and I didn't gain any weight.

  2. Do they add msg in it?

    If they dont add msg, it would be fine..

    But since its only twice a week.. I wouldnt worry about it.

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