
I eat a small diet coke small fries and a hamburger with no meat at mcdonals?

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is that unhealthy to have 2-3 times a week.....i eat it cause i get hungry at work what do you think?




  1. McDonalds food is not good for you. Have you seen "Supersize me", that shows the impact of that food on a healthy persons body, if they eat that alone! Diet coke has sweetener in it, which is unnatural, and has stuff which isn't good for you. The fries probably have your daily salt intake in them and have been deep fat fried. I'm curious what a hamburger without the meat is - isn't that a roll, with a tiny bit of salad in it? It would be better to have the orange juice, and a salad/wrap. I would advice no more than once a week. If you get hungry at work, find some more healthy snacks to bring to work.

  2. You are taking in a lot of carbs (sugars) with the fries and bread and have no protein or fiber to balance that out. I would suggest at least some meat (maybe chicken) and a salad would be a better choice.

  3. Fries definitely unhealthy; virtually no vitamins in this meal except for the enriched flour in the bun.  How about taking something from home?

  4. You can still have the meat if you want. The whole meal is only 400 calories, which is good for a lunch. Your body needs protein to build muscle to burn fat. If you aren't a meat eater, make sure you eat good things like beans and dairy, which have lots of protein.

  5. no it's not good every once in a while would be best, it's good but def. not healthy for you.

  6. I think it's fine once a week, but not 2-3 times a week. Try to switch it up with other foods. I would personally get bored of McDonalds very quickly if I ate it that much.

  7. No, I do not think it is unhealthy as long as you are active.  My friend Joyce also likes the hamburger without meat.  She calls it a "fancy cheese sandwich".

  8. yeah its unhealthy

  9. Mcdonalds frys are cooked in a heavy recycled oil that they use in their fryers(Mostly all fat) The bread they used is starch filled and enriched(that means its been bleached for color) So what it looks like you are getting is  not a low carb lunch.What would be better for you is one of thier small salads and some water.Your body needs good energy provided by the food we eat.SEE SuperSize Me... The movie Mickeydees dont want you to see.

  10. What is a hamburger with no meat!!?? Yeah, thats not really good to eat that often!

  11. yea ts still not good 4 u srry hun

  12. Yes it is unhealthy. Go somewhere else to eat.

  13. Take the money that you would spend on all that an buy if you like yogurt, apples, or buy there fruit salad bowl,  bring banana;s from home to snack on but no it is not healthy at all. If you could just once a week would be better on buying the fries and hamburger.Good Luck!

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