
I eat an egg every day... how bad is this?

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I eat an egg every day... how bad is this?




  1. If thats all you eat... bad.  However if its part of your diet, it makes a healthy contribution.  Its protein, go ahead and eat an egg.  Have another if you feel so inclined.

  2. Eggs are super good for you. They are high in protien, good fats and minerals. 3 eggs = 1 serving of protein... I eat 3 a day and I am in great shape.

  3. Eggs are great for you!!! I go through 5 dozen each and every month as a part of my high fat low carb eating plan. I lost 240lbs in 2 years and have maintained that loss for 4 years now. 6 years of eating multiple eggs a day and my cholesterol is great. But you should not worry about high cholesterol anyway.

  4. How bad do you feel?

  5. that is good for you. as long as it not a chocolate egg all the very best ???

  6. not bad at all, i just read yesterday that new research has found that an egg a day will not have an ill-effect on your health, just keep it to one a day, so if you have 2 today then don't have any tomorrow.

  7. 2 much cholesterol

  8. There are alot of misconceptions about eggs. Here is a great article that will help you out...



  9. i eat two everyday how bad is that double yours dont worry about it lifes an egg

  10. Apparantly it's high in cholesterol but i'm the same. I eat an egg every breakfast time and i'm healthy.

  11. Not bad at all. I try to eat two. They've got choline in the yolks which is good for brain function. Then they've got sulfur in them, which is good for your hair and nails. They're a great source of protein and they taste great!

  12. "An Egg a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!!"

    Just don't eat them raw... Salmanila

  13. some studies say that more than 2 eggs a week are bad for cholesterol, but I then same studies say eggs are great for you. if you really want to know, the best thing would be to eliminate eggs from you diet for 4 weeks and see if you notice a difference.

    different foods effect people differently.  

  14. an egg is fine.  two has more cholesterol than you should have the entire day.  you can get nutrients from a multivitamin and whey protein.

    or just eat the egg white.  eat as much of those as you want.

  15. Ive heard that its good for you to eat one everyday. But they change things all the time, no one ever knows where they stand when it comes to eating certain foods. :S  

  16. it's not really good.... u can get something on ur head and u have to massage it to cure it. in indonesia, it's called "benjolan". it's like, when u got hit by someone, u get that green/blue/purple thing. just like that but not as worst as that. sorry, I don't know what is benjolan in english

  17. Egg is a brilliant food it is a wonder foos in that it has so many nutrients in it as long as ur cholestoral is normal id continue eating thm!!

  18. Not at all. Eggs are good for you.

  19. depends what sort of egg. Eggs from hens would be fine; something more exotic (say, one of the monotremes) would be entering into unknown territory. It would also probably annoy various conservation groups.

  20. I have had 6 todayand my boyfriend has had 8.

    We are fine, its a brilliant source of protein. My chloestrol is fine  

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