
I eat anything, and i can never gain weight, NEVER, how do i bulk up, with such a fast metablolism?

by  |  earlier

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Alright now, here's the deal, im sooo skinny that friends have said that i look aneroxic, (you can actually see my ribs >.< and i thinks thats sick) but im totally not, its like everything i eat just goes in and then out, like, i can never gain weight? How can i gain weight? I really need help guys!




  1. ask your question at

    Good Luck!

  2. maybe u should get some mucle instead of fat. like use weights and do push ups and sit ups and work out more. but u should still eat healthy =)

  3. protein shakes are good for gainin weights!

  4. Get your thyroid checked!  

  5. Well, I could give a very good answer if you mentioned your height and weight.

    All you have to do is eat normally 3 times a day, but finish you meal. make sure your diet has proteines and all that other stuff. Eat more meat than vegetacion. We are flesh eaters.

  6. Sometimes just waiting is the best way, I&#039;m 6&#039;2 and I weighed 135 when I was 14, now 4 years later I weigh 180, with no change in eating or exercise habits.  It may just be a part of your natural body development

  7. I am exactly like you!   I am sooo skinny too, and I&#039;ve always hated it too. I started weightlifting this summer and now I&#039;ve gotten some pecs and abs, so my rib cage started to become less visible..  Try weightlifting if you can... It does NOT stunt your growth!!  I asked my doctor!!  Weightlifting is all gain.  But are you tall?  Because I&#039;m extremely tall for my age :)

  8. maybe your body can&#039;t process gluten..this happened to my uncle and they found out he was allergic to anything with gluten in it which is in alot of things and he would eat ALOT and never gain weight before they knew what the problem was. So now he just has to eat other things without the gluten and he has started to gain weight so my advice would be to go to a doc to make sure nothing is wrong with u

  9. You can actually buy special formulated shakes that you drink for breakfest that are made for skinny people to bulk up. I had a few friends who were in the same situation. Stores like Walmart that have a pharmacy center usually have a section for health bars, and stuff that I am sure you could buy the shakes there. If not id just talk to a nutritionist or a doctor and they could point you to the right place.

    My dad used Whey Protien. Its powder that you mix into your water and as long as your work out, your muscles will bulk up. If you dont work out, you&#039;ll only get fat. Hes older and works in construction but it very fit for his age.

  10. Well it&#039;s possible you could have a hyperactive thyroid which causes your metabolism to speed up... maybe you should check with you doctor to make sure.

    There are substances available which promote the ability to bulk you up... but I&#039;m not sure how reliable those are.

  11. I feel for you - not - im fat thats why but i only have myself to blame.

  12. guys are really skinny in adolescence. it&#039;s really really common. i wouldn&#039;t worry. but if you still want to bulk up, as in muscle, up ur protein intake and lift weights. cardio (like your bike riding) does nothing to build muscle. that doesnt mean you should stop cardio altogether tho

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