
I eat chocolate & sweets EVERYDAY after school with my pocket money... how unhealthy is it?

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okay... i'm eating a chocolate bar right now.

I'm just addicted to all things sweet & i can't help it!

Every single day i buy sweets after school with my pocket money... LOADS of sweets!

Is that bad?




  1. I am not a dentist, but sugar is never good for your teeth, or the rest of your body.  You should try to eat healthier snacks.  Maybe popcorn,  fresh fruit, etc... also make sure you drink a lot of water...

    I think you maybe feeling sluggish after school which is why you are going for the sugary snacks... It is important to eat right so you don't have the slumps..  

  2. I would put a limit on it.  How much money are you spending anyways???

    But if you keep it to a appropriate amount, and you exercise and brush your teeth regularly, I think it's fine.

  3. Yes, you might develop diabetes at a young age. Avoid sweets as much as possible. Here are some tips:

    1.) Stop spending your money on sweets and put your money in a piggy bank instead

    2.) Think that you're eating LARD.

    3.) If you get the urge to buy sweets then just buy one.

    4.) If you can't really help it, try eating one sweet a day and set it for at a maximum of three days a week.

    and this is the most important of all...

    5.) Have self control. It's all in the mind. If you think about sweets and chocolate a lot then it would be harder for you to get if off your mind and your system

    Good luck!

  4. You should save your money for dental visits.....It will be bad.....when you have a load of cavities!

  5. very unhealthy u could get allergic to it or u could get die abides   if u r not carful so cut down on sugary stuff

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