
I eat paper, can this habit harm me?

by  |  earlier

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I do not eat a lot of it, about one A4 sheet a day.

Can I get sick or something?




  1. Chlorine is used to bleach paper white. The process creates dioxin, and other carcinogenic compounds, in small quantities, but you are consuming far too much, on a regular basis. Seek therapy immediately. In the meantime, get a supply of oxygen bleached paper, if it is compulsive: check the paper suppliers in the phone book, and retailers.

  2.'re kidding right???

  3. Probably not, its probably no worse then processed foods. But I would ask yourself whats wrong in your life thats making you want to eat, until you figure it out just enjoy!!! LOL

  4. i know a kid who does this, hes kinda weird, but that might not be the doing of the paper.  

  5. Um....

    My little cousin used to eat her notebooks for no reason, and in her later years, she developed atopic eczema which was weird cus non of her family had it, needless to say she as little. We came up with numerous hypotheses what might have caused her have it and one of the conjectures was the eating paper habit.

    I don' think eating paper will kill you, but it's not a very good habit to have.

    just to give you a little feedback on this matter.  :/

  6. this a joke?

    no, you won't get sick. unless the paper contains a lot of chemicals...

  7. You probably won't get seriously sick, but I'm not really sure what it does to your digestive system. I wouldn't make it a habit.

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