
I eat way too much, help!?

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I eat way way too much and i may have compulsive overeating disorder. I feel like I can't controll what I eat! Can someone please help me with things I can do to stop myself from doing this. thanks :)




  1. I recommend this site to anyone trying to lose weight or control thier bad habits. You can enter in your goal weight, when you want to achieve it by and it will give you how many calories you need to eat everyday and how many calories you need to burn a week. It basically takes out the guesswork and you will start to feel guilty when you have to enter all that food into the food log :) Hope that helps a little

  2. some easy tips you can do is...

    drink water before every meal

    have only healthy food around the house to munch on

    keep yourself busy- dance, clean, read, call up friends, internet, watch tv, exercise

    drink green tea

    eat fiber filled foods (keeps you feeling full)

    have journal and write down everything you eat and drink

    good luck

  3. but try to things containing low facts

    2.sleep, those who sleep well eat less than the people who need rest

    3.studies approved that people eat much more when they see table full of deserts

  4. You don't say how many calories a day you eat.  Was that a doctor's diagnosis, or are you just saying you feel out of control?

    Either way, despite what all the weight loss advertising would like us to believe, the key to being healthy and lean isn't eating less, but eating MORE healthy food.  It's hard to believe, I know.  But the key is that it be healthy food.

    Get this book, "Lean & Free 2000 Plus" it is available on, and you can get it used for a great price.  This book could really help you!

    Good luck!

  5. compulsive overeating disorder is a mental disorder and needs to be treated through therapy. Typically someone with C.O.D has deeper issues that have manifested themselves through eating.

    Not only do you need to address the obsessive routine but you need to address the emotional side to C.O.D

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