
I eaten frosted flakes and now have food poisoning how do i go about solving this?

by  |  earlier

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i think i want to take legal actions




  1. I don't think it was the frosted flakes.  May have been bad milk or something else you've eaten.  Sometimes, it can take up to a day from the time you eat something before you feel sick.  Sorry- you're not going to get anywhere by trying to sue.  It'll be a waste of your time and money.  I think it's difficult to even sue a family-owned restaurant for damages.  You don't have any real monetary damages.  Hope you feel better.

  2. Ipecac syrup will help u to purge the taint.

    Otherwise you must go to the emergency room and get documentation and prove that it was the frosted flakes that you got sick from. Then you need hard evidence that they were negligent and that's the reason you were ill and not by any of your own choices such as ingesting spoiled milk.

  3. I doubt very much it was the frosted flakes. But call a lawyer, if you can find one that won't laugh at you.

  4. drink pedialyte

  5. Are you sure it was the Frosted Flakes and not the expired milk you used?

    Take some medicine and don't waste your time.

  6. I'll bet you did not wash after wipping your a r se.  go ahead and try is is only $$$

  7. If it was tainted cereal, all kinds of people would be getting sick. You shouldn't be eating such a sugary cereal anyway. Good luck suing the cereal company.

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