Me & My fiance got together in Dec. Well his parents got into it with him & Was going to kick him out because at the time they didnt like me. Well I live with my nannie to help her out around the house, & She said have him move in with us so we could have a man around the house. He moved in, in Jan. He started working in Feb and worked til midish April. He had some back trouble & The job termanated him. Then he started working at the end of May & Worked a few weeks into June.
Everytime you said something to him about working his respose is "I know I need a job so bad." It seems as to me he doesnt want to work. What do you think? Ive tried everything getting down to the point, but nothing seems to work. Ive even told him Id leave him. =/
I also just recently found out I was pregnant. (I was on birthcontrol whenever this happened) None of my family wants me working due to some health problems. On the other hand he keeps mentioning that he wants to get married before the babys born {In Tennessee for the baby to have the fathers lastname you have to be married before he/she is born. That is that I have heard anyways.} but I jsut want to tell him I dont want to get in that situation if hes not wanting to support his family. Am I in the wrong for this?
Any help or advice is appericated alot!
Also, were can I find online laws that state about Tennessee, not being married and the baby having the fathers lastname?