
I ended my period two Thursdays ago; why did I start again??

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My mom started hers yesterday, and I started mine tonight, even though I just ended two Thursdays ago. She said that women that live together go on the same cycle, but I wanna know, is this one gonna be a full 8 day one, or just some extra?? She said that it might just be some extra, like a trickle, and it'll go away soon. Please tell me.

BTW, I got my period when I was 11, now I'm 15, so don't say its still irregular and new, because it's not.




  1. girl...believe me when i tell u that it's still possible that it has not regulated yet but if u're worried, ask ur mom to take u to the doctor

  2. It sounds like you're spotting. It's pretty normal. I get it normally a week or two after I end my period. So don't worry! Your Mom is also right. But I doubt that you started again just because she started. And yes it'll go away soon!

    Also it is possible you are still having an irregular period. It takes a long time for it to regulate..Sometimes 4 to 5 years.

  3. It's not uncommon for women who live together to have irregular periods until theirs sync up and are on roughly the same schedule.

    It will probably be just an extra little bit, not much at all.

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