
I enrolled my son to his new school, and the old school he was attending too haven't sent out his transcripts?

by  |  earlier

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My son just moved back home with me from my mothers and I enrolled him to the school were he will be attending too 2 weeks ago. His old school didn't sent out his transcripts yet. Will they still let him attend if the papers haven't got to the school? school will be starting on the 3rd of sept. I want to get things ready before it gets to late.




  1. Why are you asking random people on Yahoo?  Why don't you call the school?  ...stupid...

  2. Yes.

  3. i would call his old school and tell them to send them over as soon as possible theres no reason they should keep them...

  4. ... did you, i don't know, maybe call his old school and ask them to fax it to the new school???

    it only takes like 5 minutes.

    and it's your responsibility to have that done... not either of the schools. you have to request for a transcript transfer

    just make sure you have the new school's fax number before you call the old school. and it's not too late but you need to do it NOW and then call the new school to see if they've got it so that way he can get his classes scheduled.

  5. Hmm, I'd go up to is old school or call it and ask about the transcripts. The new school really needs those to see where he's at educational wise.

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