
I enterd a competition and e next task is to cook a meal for an unknown family and entertain?

by  |  earlier

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i really want to win so i need some ideas on how i can entertain them ,by the way the ingredients will only be revealed on the day




  1. For the cooking, I wouldn't go too fancy being you don't know the family.  Keep it simple, but keep the flavors fresh and make sure it has good flavor.  I just wouldn't go with anything too complicated being you don't know their likes and dislikes.  If you're cooking in their home, check out their refigerator and pantry to see what kinds of food they have which will give you an idea of what they like and the flavors they like.

    As for entertaining, I'm not sure if you can bring anything into it, but there's a game you can buy called Table Topics and it's just cards with all different questions and everyone goes around answering the different kinds of questions.  It helps everyone get talking around the table and get conversation going.

    You can also have board games, charades, ask them to tell you about them since you don't know them, or even ask them what they normally do for fun.  You can put on some very low music in the background, but I wouldn't really concentrate on that, you want the focus to be on the family and having fun.

    Good luck and I hope everything turns out ok and that you have fun!

  2. Well, if you don't know the ingredients yet you can't really get prepared.

    Since you don't know the people, make sure you stick to the stuff you get (but there might be a fridge and pantry with other stuff like spices, herbs etc)

    So, if there is no meat, don't add any meat cubes , if there is no pork, don't add bacon. ;)

    Good luck! :)

  3. good day,

    love this kinds thing... are your going to be cooking in front of them??? If so that's your entertainment...relax and enjoy the conversation will flow, laugh at your self and take advantage of feeding off the group...good eats

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