
I exercised for 45 minutes ?

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and i ate for breakfast 2 scrambled eggs and green tea. Lunch i had broiled chicken and rice without butter. Dinner baked chicken and broccoli without butter. I am 5 ft 8 in tall and am a little over 200 pounds. How many calories did i burn and what else can I do to lose at least 2 pounds this week? Thanks!




  1. exercise more than 45 min baby, 45 is just a warm up

  2. You're gonna lose a lot more than two pounds a week doing that. Good job, but remember to keep the carbs for breakfast and taper them off during the day. No carbs for dinner. Make sure to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach or at night one hour before bed. Stick to whole grains for carbs, but brown rice is as good as white, so that doesn't matter. Also, lean proteins like skinless chicken and watch the condiments. Good luck and take it one meal at a time.

    P.S. You don't need to do cardio any longer than an hour at a time, no more than twice a day. Also, if you actually meant workout, that isn't as necessary as diet and cardio. Diet is 70% of getting lean with cardio being 20% andwoking out being 10%.

  3. you need to keep doing this.

    the longe u do the more weigh comes off

  4. I helped my friend lose 27LBS in less than one month. Depending on how motivated you are. Eat right and LOTS of walking and jogging. Or if you can't jogg then try running short distant sprints back and forth with breaks in between. I hope this may help you. It helped my friend ALOT! Just stay hydrated.  

  5. What kind of rice was it brown or white?  Look at the ingredients on the back.  You should stay away from bleached or enriched grain and wheat.  It should be whole grain/ wheat.  It is ok to have a Gateraid or some form of enriched carb right after your work out along with a source of protein.  

    You should consiser protien shakes. 2 good low cal choices are Muscle milk light and gold standard whey.   You can have a proten shake fist in the morning with some whole grain cerial. The would also make a good preworkout meal.  

    Add a protein snack mid morning and mid afternoon(shake, nuts,seads).  Eating every few hours will keep your metabolism up.

    Instead of doing 45 in of cardio try HITT (see source) it is just now catching on but I have been doing it for years went from 260 to 185.  I still do out of habit.  There is no need to do HITT more than 25 min a day.  Do it atleat 5 times a week.  

    Edit:  if you drop more than 2 lbs a week more that likely your muscles  are in a Catabolic state(your losing muscle not fat)

    As for cal burned check out this link.  It will vary depending on weight, s*x and activity level.  (see sec source)  

    It will also help to put in a 2 or 3 days of weight training.  You should be able to find plenty of full body excesses on the net that will suit your style.

  6. these sites can help you figure it all out and keep track.  they're both free and have lots of tips.

  7. keep that up and just eat small portions. exercise atleast 3-4 times a week but daily is even better

  8. The number of calories that you burned in 45 minutes depends on the exercise and how vigorously you did it. If you are new to exercise and you want to lose a bit of weight 45 minutes of vigorous walking is a real good start and would probably burn about 150 calories.

    Your meal plan was pretty good in that it was low fat, but you need to concern yourself with the portions (especially the amount of chicken) and the amount of starch in you diet. Also, if you cut way back in calories you body may start hoarding. The trick is to eat more, but different things.

    1) Try to get in 5 fresh fruits or vegetables a day. Each serving should be about a cup. So instead of rice with that chicken try a some string beans or spinach.   Try to avoid the starchy vegetables like corn. Tomatoes are good this time of year though.

    2) Eat some of the fruits and veggies between meals. This means you'll be eating just a little about 5 times a day.

    3) Limit those portions of meat to about 4 ounces or so.

    4) Don't totally ditch the fat because you body needs a bit. You might go with 1 tsp on the vegetables you have at lunch or dinner.

    5) White chicken is a real good choice if you really need to have that meat.

    Don't give up. You might want to think about how much you are going to lose in a month instead of a week. Then you can think of averaging 2lbs of loss per week.

    Good Luck.

  9. eat like that everyday and you will lose at least 2 pounds every week.  I can't tell you how many calories you burned without know what exercise you did. check out they have a lot of calorie and weight calculators

  10. for breakfast you can ever throw in some fruit

    and you should have like a snack between lunch and dinner like non-fat yogurt

    you are eating good, i would say only like 1000 cal. though and you might need more because you are active.

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