
I failed 9th grade....

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i just got the news that i failed 9th grade. I'm usually a A and B student and also one of the top students, but i was going through some problems during 07-08 school year and decided to neglect school, i was just going through major depression and became lazy . so now i have to take 9th grade all over again. i'm just wondering if theres anyway i can catch up? like anyway i can be in 11th grade by next year? did anyone else go through this, how did you catch up? i want to graduate with my class. thanks.




  1. Make an appointment to see your high school counselor.

    Ask about 1) summer school (it's probably too late)

    2) night school

    3) credit by exam

    Most importantly, talk to her about what happened and what you learned as a result.  Listen to her about danger signs that you are slipping again (not that you will) and ask for her help in being accountable this next year when you start to feel stressed.  

    If you learn from this, it can be one of  the most valuable and helpful lessons of your life that will give you good material to write about for upcoming essay topics.  

  2. This isn't an insurmountable problem but it is hard.  You must have done some work during the year or you would have been called up for bad grades befor the end of the year.

    Talk to your teachers (take your mom or dad if you're shy)  They may give you work to complete your grade rather than make you do it all over.

    If you were an 'A', 'B' student before and you can explain the problem most teacher should be willing to work with you.  Even if you need to negotiate with a few teachers you may be able to lift your failing grade.

    What ever you do, do it now.

  3. You may be able to go to summer school for the next two summers to catch up.  I know that it is very important that you get all 4 English classes, so you may have to take English I this year, English 2 next summer, and then you will take English 3 next school year?  Ask the guidance counselor at your school to help you, that is his/her job.

  4. Ala, check to see if there is a way to continue your classes after school and during the summer. Yeah i know but if your going to graduate with your class you gotta make some sacrifices. Good luck.

  5. Hi Melissa,

    Wow, I'm sorry to hear about all the problems you've had.

    Contact your school and find out if you can take some summer courses. You still have another month before school starts, so you'd better get a move on and find out how to make up lost time.

    By the way, are you okay now? Did you see a doctor about your depression?

    Good luck Melissa.

  6. I think there should be a telephone number somewhere in your report card to contact the school counselor. Try to explain to your counselor about what happened that led you to your downfall. Since theres no summer school provided to you, the best you can handle this situation is by re-learning back the things you were taught back in 9th grade. I would start going to the library and borrow related-books that teaches what you need to learn in 9th grade. Good luck, the problem is too hard to dealt. . .I'm sorry what have had happened to you.
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