
I failed a test. What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I failed my math test. It was about perimeter and area, and I failed it. I am so mad at myself! I usually pass all my tests, and I usually don't study, and guess what? Reality gives me a slap in the face and makes me fail. I am having a retest on Tuesday. Meanwhile, what should I do?




  1. Find out wat u did wrong & polish up.  Don't be too hard on urself, we can't always be perfect at everything, we've all gotta fail @ something sometime.

  2. Look up the website that accompanies your text book and use the practice quizzes to see where you went wrong. Then study those problems and keep taking the quizzes until you can ace it.

  3. Studying seems to be the obvious choice.


    I can't be sure, but I think we still use the same numerical system that they did in 1987...!

  4. If you are normally a good student, then don't sweat it.  Chalk it up to being too sure of yourself and don't let it happen again.  Study hard for the re-test and go for the GOLD!!!

    Good luck on the re-test.

  5. alll you can do is just accept your mistakes, figure out what u did wrong and what u feel you got lucky on and just prepare for your mistakes and study them on

  6. Just study for it. Good luck.

  7. I usually pass without studying in precalc, all I do is, just tell myself that I'll bounce back and get an A on the next test, and it happens.

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