
I failed my G2 road test today and feel horrible about it?

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I had my road test this morning and was really nervous. My driving examiner was cute, which made me even more anxious about not acting like a fool in front of him.

The main reason why I failed was that I attempted to turn left on a red light at an intersection. I don't know why I made such a stupid mistake, but I was so nervous that my brain didn't register the red light until it was too late. The examiner even had to use the brakes on his side to stop the vehicle. I was frustrated at myself and extremely humiliated when I realized what I was doing.

Now I have to rebook my test again, which sucks because it'll have to be during September when school starts.

I feel so angry and disappointed with myself. I was feeling nervous before the test, but I thought I had a pretty good idea of the rules of the road. I think it was just the nerves getting to me.

Right now, I just feel so embarrassed that I failed (I actually thought I had a slight chance of passing the first time). Any advice on how to get over it?




  1. when I'm blue I like to eat a plate of bacon. Things just seem better after a plate of bacon

  2. well if you would keep you head strait and just pay attention to the road yo wouldn't have that problem I'm not saying to drive illegally but i learned by just taking the truck here an there really makes you pay attention when your alone

  3. You know, I had my road test today, and I failed too. I was also really nervous and did everything perfectly except I made a stupid mistake at the 4-way stop and I accidentally went before it was my "turn". I got too nervous and was so anxious to get the test over with and impress my instructor that I had a brain cramp. Ordinarily, I would never have done that, but stress affects everyone differently. Some people get anxious and make silly mistakes when they're stressed, but other people can focus on the task more effectively when they're stressed. Personally, I'm the first example :P Sounds like you had a similar situation. Just know you're not the only one. And if it makes you feel any better, there were two kids doing the test at the same time as me today and they all failed too.

    It really does suck because now I have to re-do my test in September during school too. But look at it this way: you (and me) obviously weren't confident enough in our driving abilities the first time around, and that's why you got so nervous. You're already a good driver, you just need more practice so you KNOW you're a good driver and have more confidence in yourself when you're on the road. Then you won't get so anxious next time. And since you've already taken the test, you'll know exactly what to expect next time so you won't be so nervous.

    But the embarrassment of failing is the worst part, personally. I dreaded coming home to tell my mom I'd failed my test... But just remember that we both have a chance to prove that we CAN pass the test in September. You always have another chance you prove yourself, so don't be so hard on yourself.  :)

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