
I failed my drivin test?

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for not checking my blind spot when moving off when do u have to do this is at traffic lights my instructor has NEVER told me this before




  1. Safe driving tips to help pass your road test:

    STEERING Steer smoothly whether you are driving straight ahead, turning or backing up.

    ACCELERATION Accelerate smoothly and moderately. Don't race the engine or cause it to stall.

    BRAKING Bring the vehicle to a stop gently. Start braking well before your stopping position to avoid "jerky" stops. Make sure you stop your vehicle in the proper position of the lane.

    CLUTCH/GEAR Always be sure your vehicle is in the correct gear. With either an automatic or a manual transmission, shift into the proper gear at the right time without "grinding" the gears.

    SPEED Obey the posted speed limit, of course, but also adjust your speed properly due to weather, road, visibility and traffic conditions.

    FOLLOWING DISTANCE Keep an adequate space "cushion" between your vehicle and those you are following. Use the "two second rule" described in the Driver's Manual. Be sure to increase your following distance in poor weather or visibility.

    TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Know the meanings of signs, signals and pavement markings, and obey them consistently.

    STOPPING POSITION If a stop is required, stop your vehicle before it reaches an intersecting street. If stop lines or crosswalks are present, stop before crossing them. If your view is blocked after stopping behind the crosswalk, move up until you can clearly see your way, then stop again if necessary.

    LANE SELECTION AND POSITION Keep your vehicle in the proper traffic lane, especially when preparing to make turns. Don't allow room for another vehicle to pass you on the side that you are turning toward.

    COMMUNICATION Let other drivers and pedestrians know which way you want to go. Use your directional signals or horn consistently and at the proper times.

    OBSERVATION Look for and identify potential problems or hazards in the traffic around you - not just straight ahead, but behind you and on either side. Check your mirrors frequently, but be sure to look over your shoulder behind you when changing lanes or backing up.

    ANTICIPATE & REACT TO OTHERS Anticipate possible driving errors by others and be ready to react safely to make up for their mistakes.

  2. You don't need to check your blindspot when pulling away from traffic lights, but always check when pulling away from the side of a street or from a parking bay in a car park etc. They do have to fail so many a day, what time did you have your test? It took me four times to pass my test: first 2 were in the afternoon, third was mid morning and fourth was 8:30am and I only got 4 minors...don't know if the time of day has anything to do with it! You'll do it, better luck next time, just DON'T give up!


  3. You should check all around in a clockwise direction (left shoulder, left wing mirror, rear-view, right mirror, right shoulder) when moving off any time ( not on traffic lights); do this when when parked at the side of a road and moving out onto the road. It's so tedious but the examiner can't say anything if you do this. They will pass you if you can prove if you are both a safe driver as well as being a competent one!

  4. You should ALWAYS do your blind spot checks (shoulder checks) BEFORE you make any movement to the left or right with your vehicle. You should look out the rear door window area with a short glance and remember to actually LOOK. Don't just turn your head. Many students do this, which can be dangerous.

    You wouldn't fail a driver's test for missing one shoulder check unless you were about to move out when a vehicle was coming. You WOULD fail for shoulder checks though if you didn't make ANY.

    Any Professional Driving Instructor would have shown you this important driving skill.

    At traffic lights on two way streets you should always SCAN to the left first because that vehicle would hit you first, then scan right, then scan left again before moving forward at a fresh green light.

    Good observation skills are very important habits to develop so that you remain safe on the roads.

    You should also check that rear view mirror every 5 seconds or so, and also whenever you apply your brake.

    Remember, it's up to YOU to become familiar with the RULES of the DRIVING CLUB.......or you can't join....[grin]

  5. I've never heard of that either. I can just see it now...everybody's heads turning around just as the light turns green.

  6. Should've been common sense to check, why do ya think they call it a blind spot

  7. Don't worry, tell your instructor and ask for an explanation. I have failed a total of 6 times but i have every licence. Once was for stopping because a kid fell off his bike in front of my lorry. What did he want me to do, kill the kid?

  8. some instructor is so bad that they want to trick you, so that you failed and will do more lessons with him and so he can make money.

  9. aww better luck next time, but also they can only pass so many in a day, so maybe he just made it up to give you a fail.

  10. yes you should check your blind spots when moving off from traffic lights. Especially if you are turning left as despite the fact that your indicator is on cyclists have a habit of filtering down the nearside.

  11. only when your pulling out in to another lane

  12. Commiserations, if at first you don't succeed try try again. Best of luck.

  13. Whenever you're moving off from somewhere you ALWAYS have to check your blind spot.

    Good luck next time, and don't worry, not even 10% of drivers pass their first time round.

  14. What a load of rubbish.  If you are at a traffic light, you get a green signal to go.  Other cars cannot go till you proceed so where are your blind spots.

    Every one knows about puling away from kerb etc but you were at traffic lights.  Challenge the failure.

  15. not to worry about next time you will pass with out any trouble.all the very best  x*x

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