
I failed my driving test because i was too nervous and I lost focus . How can I do a better job the next time?

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I did well during my in-car lessons with the instructor. On the day of the driving test, i tried pumping myself up before by telling myself "you can do already got the license and this test is just to confirm it!" and a bunch of other stuff like that.

I went around the test route for practice.

But the moment the tester showed up, then i freaked out. I even turned the wrong way into the on-coming trafic lane and went the other way.

It was a disaster. Half-way through i realized that i may have already failed and it was hard to stay focused at that time.

How can i become a more focused driver?

How can i control my nerves, because when i become nervous, i become so over-cautious of everything i'm doing and that can have a negative affect on my driving.




  1. This sounds like something that will happen to me when I take driver's education.  I haven't taken it yet.  I'm only thirteen.  I don't take it till next year.  My aunt said I can take it at fourteen.  I'm scared!  Holy c**p!  

  2. It may not seem so easy, but the only way, honestly, is to just get over it.  You can't let an adult in the car cause you to make mistakes when you're driving.

  3. that happened to me to, I'm guessing that u r on your learners, just relax and concentrate at the same time. but i guess once you know you have failed you just can't handle the stress. take as much time as you need and fail as many times as you need eventually you will get your license i can feel it in the air

  4. Try to pray to GOD to gain a peace at heart. Another way is to play the simulation more often to make you more used to driving.

  5. i have that same problem!!! just don't over think it and you will probably do better

  6. Try taking some St Johns Wort tablets or Rescue Remedy before your next test, these both relax you and calm your nerves.


  7. try talking some deep breaths to focus your mind on the task at hand, seriously... (works for me!)  

  8. dont get nervous and stay focused

  9. One word Yoga. My friend ;))))

  10. You should try to focus a little more and keep your eyes on the road!! I know you can do it!!!

  11. driving the wrong way into on coming traffic is an automatic fail as well as exceeding 10mph over the speed limit as well as breaking any other traffic laws like running a stop sign

  12. Use mint lotion for fragrance (helps you concentrate) and eat something with real mint in it about 30 min. before your test. You should do fine.

  13. practice

  14. don't look at the instructor...just look at the road...think that your just driving like you did at your in-car lessons...don't get hung up on the small mistakes, your score is an overall score...just relax and have fun...thats what i did at least

    hope this HELPS

  15. All success is built on failure.  Now that you have failed, you know that nothing really bad happens to you by failing this test.  Next time, you can go out without wiorrying about failing because it's no big deal anyway.

  16. Try practicing more in a safe place. What works for me is driving while listening to my favorite music. I get a sense of power and ease when I do this. It also works to sing aloud while trying to concentrate on making turns and such... Idk, that calms me down when I'm nervous in the highway.  

  17. do what spongebob do put a blindfold

  18. I just got my license!!!!!!! Just calm down and practice a lot lot more with your parents and know what all the rules and signs mean

  19. oh my goodness i remember my first time like it was yesterday. what i did was took a deep breath and in my head said, here goes... i became one with the car- that's hard to explain but do the speed limit no matter how slow it might feel and just drive like the other person is not in the car with you. of course practice makes perfect, but every time you get nervous, take a deep breath and exhale slowly until that feeling goes away.  

  20. Been there, done that! My dad took me out to a bunch of parking lots and turned me loose. No pressure. The parking lots were empty and it was evening time, so we had a better chance of finding the large ones empty. The one time a cop asked what we were doing, we told the guy the truth and he smiled and said he wished more parents would let their kids do that. Anyway, the moral is practice practice practice! And to the people  that suggest you take things to "calm you down" like st johns....that can make you sleepy! Bad idea especially if you are inexperienced. Scary imho.....

  21. I had the same exact problem, twice. I haven't set up my third exam, so I can't be  of much help, but I have heard meditating works really well.

    I was so nervous my second time I almost crashed into a Ford F150 while parallel parking =x

  22. Focus on what you're about to do... then do what you learned in driving school

  23. I know that this may not help much, but just calm down and focus on the road! What helped me was to pretend that the examiner was just my instructor, and I just kept going. Also, I mentioned in the very beginning of the road test that I am very nervous and that I really wanted to get my license. The examiner seemed shocked that I said this because they usually get overconfident students.

    This helped me a lot because now I am a fully licensed driver and I don't ever have to a road test again until I'm eighty!

  24. It is nearly impossible to relax during the driving exam if your the nervous under pressure type.  I also failed my test the first time because I was so nervous, I was shaking like a leaf! The second time around was even worse because I knew I failed because I was nervous the last time, which made me even more nervous.  How ever, what I learned was the second time I was so nervous I was actually more focused on the road.  My tester would tell me to do something and it was all I could think about, and the steps to do it perfect.  The second time around you know what they are going to test you on so you feel more prepared in a weird way, don't worry about being nervous.  The majority of us are, and they are used to seeing really nervous people.  

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