
I failed the WOF at one place can I go to another one hoping they don't notice what has to be done?

by  |  earlier

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I just failed my WOF check today and the repair would cost 400 bucks. Could I just go to a different place and hope they don't find what is wrong with the car or is that in any way not legal?




  1. You can try but it wont work.............

    1. the other place would have to be brain dead not to find out what is wrong, that is their job.

    2. your information including your VIN has already been entered into the database...........

  2. I would imagine that when they did the inspection they entered the data into a database so when someone starts another inspection the reults of the previous inspection will come up so thay would be able to verify that the deficiencies have been corrected.  Your best bet is to just spend the 400 and be completely safe, you'll be better off in the long run.

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