
I faint whenever I am in a crowded place where the air starts to get stuffy. anyone knows why? ?

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I faint whenever I am in a crowded place where the air starts to get stuffy. its not that i am dehydrated. I drink plenty of water and I never faint when i am in open space, no matter how hot it gets. it only happens when im in a closed room with crowds. anyone knows why?




  1. Those are known as Vasovagal episodes. Typically brought on by seeing blood or needles or gore but other things can trigger it.

    However, it is something you need to discuss with your doctor.

    In the meantime, as soon as you feel dizzy or feel you may faint, squat. It will help the blood circulate (slightly better) as well it prevents you from falling far and hitting your head... which you do need to concern yourself with.

  2. You are probably experiencing a little claustrophobia. not that your scared its just that you are not comfortable.  

  3. It sounds like claustrophobia. Try taking some deep breaths and try to get out into fresh air as soon as you can. If you feel faint and cannot leave the area, then bend over at the waist so the blood will go back to your head. You might mention this to your doctor next time you see him or her. Good luck!

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