
I fall in love to a Thai girl and there is a problem.What should I do?

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Here is the problem.;_ylt=ArjtjoWVAN0Gv3VKkSv_ZzHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080904092341AAqH19r

Gimme some advise.I don't know much about Thai girl's nature.I know about Thailand a bit cauze I have been to Bangkok and I can speak many greeting words in Thai fluently but they don't help.I am an Asian too and I am not so charming but said to be look good.My personality is mature and polite type.We live in Europe.What should I do?I really need help?




  1. just give her some space and try to have longer conversations with her not just high and also reduce on the staring it might be the thing freaking her out. oh and if this doesnt work go to plan B make her jealouse, just dress good smell good start hanging around with her friends more instead of her, give them more attention then she will come around

  2. As I grow older, I realise that men's eyes hide nothing. We are just like an open book to girls and they read us perfectly well. Mostly however they will not be the one open the conversation. You do.

    The reason why she acts differently towards you is good, that means you’re not friend. Don’t be friend with girls because that will last forever; and could hardly be changed into a more intimate relations.

    Thai girls are the same as any other girls on this planet. They only speak different language.

  3. Forget her.  Stop wasting  your time.  Too many fish in the sea.

  4. You are only 17. Just be friend with her. The good Thai girls don't act like good western girls. Good Thai girls don't admit we like a man until 2 years later. We just shy I guess.

    When my BF tried to flirt to me in college. I made him look like an idiot so many times. Because I did not talk to him, walk away, no smile, and act like I don't know English. Basically, I acted like I have no interests in him, but I actually did.

    I think it is different than most western girls.

  5. Thai girls are usually reserved, and quiet. Just be nice and give her a lot of respect. I know this because i am planning on marrying a Thai girl that worked in the USA to learn english. i live in USA now and she lives in Thailand. Don;t bring up s*x. aviod it if you can, she;ll let you know when it's time. Just be nice to her dude, ask her how her day went, buy her things take her out to eat. Buy her flowers on her birthday. Just be that sweet guy. Tell her that you love her, and most importantly don';t give her a reason to think that you are cheating. Girls like all of the above, no matter what culture.

    So in brief, make her feel important in your life. i don;t know how much you guys are into eachother. But let her know she means a lot to you.

    hope all goes well  

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