
I fancie my best friend really bad, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13 and male, i don't think I'm g*y, but have recently been thinking that I might be Bi. I've just broke up with my girlfriend, but I'm not upset, because of my best friend, he's really hot and I've got a crush on him, he dosen't know, but I can't stop thinking of him, and I get butterflies when he talks to me. What do I do about this, because I can't stop thinking of him and I want to tell him everything and how I feel about him. What do i do?




  1. well i wouldn't rush into anything just yet you need to b sh or of who you are and wot it is about him that makes you fell that way and why. also if you do have feelings for him then you need to think about dose he feel the same and would it ruing your friendship. take your time and think about it be for you jump in the deep end. good luck m8 and let me no how you get on

  2. Sounds like you're bi. Well if he's not g*y or bi then its probably not a good idea to tell him you're crushing on him just because it could really freak him out because he won't know what to say or do.

  3. Well, find out if his g*y or bisexual, if he ain't then i don't see how its going to work out for you.  

  4. Im sorry...

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