
I fancyy him but .. ?

by  |  earlier

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Well .. there is this guy and kind of fancy him and I have done for about 3 months maybe ?? Anyway, he bammed (like pretend to fancy me and then ask me out and I fell for it and then text me saying it was just a joke) me up once and I never spoke to him for like 2 months and now I have made back up with him but he still didn't know I fancied him and now he says if I asked him out he would say yes .. but then he was like actually I dunno what I should do .. :S xx




  1. He wants you to ask him out!!!

    If you ask him and he says No then you will look stupid.

    Let him stew and if he is interested he will ask you.

    And if he asks you and you say NO it will drive him crazy, and then you have him just where you want him.

    Go for it girl.

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