
I fear my girlfriend is somewhat abusive to her horses....?

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i met this girl who rides horses and i am extremely attracted to her. she has an amazing body (a nice round cowgirl ***), is very athletic, and is very commanding. Her riding attire is s**y too...she has various kinds of leather boots, spurs, and even a a few bullwhips...amit her sexiness...i fear that she is somewhat cruel to her horses....she uses her jabs her spurs when they act up....and she has used a bullwhip on one of them to ride faster.....she feels that her horses should obey her at all this right??? I am attracted to her....but this was kind of disturbing to here.




  1. that is just sick

  2. maybe she will do the same to you

  3. A bull whip is very hard to ride with... I think you are confused. I don't think she sounds that hard on them. I once hit my horse in the eye on accident but i have not had a problem with him rearing up on me since then. His eye watered the rest of the show.

  4. does she ride with a bullwhip?  do you know what a bullwhip is?  

    i don't get why we had to an indepth report on what she wears, her *** and why you're attracted to her.

  5. friend Kyle who is a jockey hit a horse so hard one time he broke his hand....THAT is abuse....I don't believe in any kind of hitting....the only hitting my horse gets is with the crop when I want to speed him up and he's not listening to leg cues or kissing....but it's not a hard whack.....this girl sounds a li'l big agressive, though. I can't blame you for being a little shocked......and yes she's right....a horse should listen to you at all cost....but force isnt the way to get that.....

  6. She's a f*cking idiot. she'll treat you like an animal.

  7. This is what the cowboys did back in the old days and the horse self esteem does not seem to be damaged.

  8. If you really like her and trust her, tell her how you feel about the way she treats them! If she gets angry she's not worth your time. I don't think it's right to do that to them but some people have different opinions. Try asking her to lighten up a bit on her horses.

  9. she sounds fat.

    but anyways you can't ride with a bullwhip it's too long. there's nothing wrong with a crop, but you shouldn't have to whale on your horses to get respect. spurs aren't necessary they're outdated. some people just can't ride well.

  10. It is not completely right to that to a horse but she may be just excited to win? If you are really concerned about the horses I would try to talk to her gently and explain what you think she could do instead.

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