
I fear that i suffer from an eating disorder and i dont know what to do anymore.

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i think im bulimic but im not sure i binge and i throw up after i eat i feel so gross and FAT... i know i need to know how to stop but i dont know how.....i fast every sunday and start my diet all over again... i need to stop but im afraid if i start to eat right i will be a fat pig again i hate this so much i dont know what to do




  1. talk to someone you trust. mother, sister, doctor, etc- they can offer you much better guidance than any of us can. not to mention it's easier to answer things like this in person rather than over the computer. yes, you're definitely bulimic there's no question about that, but what to do about being bulimic is the problem and is the question that you need answered right now

  2. u do have an eating disorder, and it is important that we stop it as soon as possible

    the main thing is that you take it slow

    you will not gain that much weight if you take it really slow

    first thing to do is to stop making yourself throw up, and to do that u hav to take smaller meals, but don't even think of it as a meal

    eat a couple of snacks that you can eat quickly every few hours,

    start counting the number of calories you eat, and start adding about 100 every day until you get to at least 2200

    2200 is not over eating, but it is a good amount if you still want to stay thin

    eating a handful of nuts makes you feel better as well, and those types of calories are really good for you too, so try to eat some of those

    also, don't eat alot of junk food either

  3. I'm bulimic, I know how scary it is. I can't tell you how to stop - that's something you'll have to figure out on your own. If you're lucky, you'll find a therapist who can help you. Not all of them can. Parent's, to be honest, aren't always helpful either. They usually try to control you - until, and IF, they go to family therapy and learn that 'controlling her doesn't help'.

    The one thing I can tell you is that it won't get better on it's own. And going through E.D treatment is long, hard, miserable; and the best chance you've got.

  4. You need to get a real diet and exercise plan so you can eat normally and maintain your thin look.

    Talk to your doctor or parents, I know that is scary, but if they pay to get you a gym membership, a nutritionist, and mabey even a trainer.

    You can look good and be healthy.

    They would probably be willing to at least get you some sessions with a nutritionist to get your diet locked in.

    If you lose too much muscle you will have trouble burning calories, and everything you do eat will turn into fat.

    Almost all people with eating disorders yo yo up and down with their weight but end up fatter eventually, it just might take years.

  5. tell your parents.  you will be SO much happier after you stop.  tell your parents.  please!

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