
I f*$%ed up at work...Help?

by  |  earlier

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I work with someone who is not my supervisor (higher level-answers to no one really and has a lot of power, but I don't want to give away what he does)and we had a pretty big flirtation going on for months and he decided not to take it any further with me because he was afraid of repercussions, etc (though I know he was interested-he's attracted to me, or was until this incident) Anyways, we got into an argument (not about our relationship, such as it is) and now he wants to talk to my boss and have a meeting with everyone--what does that mean?




  1. I think it sounds fishy.  Given your past he might not be the best person to judge your performance, etc.  Could you talk to your direct supervisor to find out what the deal was, and if need be perhaps explain your side before things have a chance to blow up.

    How about going directly to him.  Say you're not comfortable with the way things are going, and maybe it would be better if neither of you had anything to do with the other.  I'm sorry for the boat you're in, I definitely don't envy you.  Good luck to you!

  2. Don't get to stressed over it he might just be doing it to get you to look like an idiot try to act calm about the situation if it really was a big problem try to get someone ( a fellow worker) to back you up if need be

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