
I feed my guinea pig outside grass now she is very weak, what can i do? is is poison or bad grass?

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I feed my guinea pig outside grass now she is very weak, what can i do? is is poison or bad grass?




  1. That is bad. There is all kinds of pesticides in the grass that could be poisoning your pets. I suggest just growing your own plants than taking it from outside.

  2. You have to make sure there are NO chemicals on the grass and that it is just regular grass cause certain types of weeds and plants could be toxic.

  3. I never fed grasses that didn't come from my own yard that way you knew if there were pesticides...hope she feels better...

  4. I would never feed my pets outside grass.  It could have been treated with pesticides.  I would take her to the vet immediately and in the future only give them Timothy Hay from the pet store.

  5. unless the grass had some pesticides or something, grass is actually healthy for guinea pigs, but make sure she gets some regular food too. timothy hay is good too.

  6. well sometimes grass can have poison by chemicals that are sprayed in their.

    if your guinea pig is not moving or eating i would highly recommend you take it to a vet before its to late.

  7. You shouldnt feed grass that isn't from your own yard, like the others said, and also make sure that your grass isn't sprayed with pesticides or been fertilized recently (like the past 15 days or when it last rained). Another thing, backyard grass is better than front yard grass since car fumes can get on the grass in the front much more easily than on the grass in your backyard. A number of plants are poisonous to guinea pigs, including bracken, bryony, buttercup, charlock, deadly nightshade, foxglove, hellebore, hemlock, lily of the valley, mayweed, monkshood, potato, privet, ragwort, rhubarb, speedwell, toadflax and wild celery. Additionally, any plant which grows from a bulb (e.g., tulip and onion) is normally considered poisonous so make sure you didn't feed her any of those. If you did, you should take her to the vet ASAP.

  8. grass outside can be contaminated with pesticides and stuff like that, if it gets worse, or is already really bad, go to the vet.

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