
I feel FAT but others think i look good for my age ! HELP ME !!!?

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im 14 years old & wieghs about 120 lbs. ! i dont know how tall i am but i fell fat. sometimes i feel like i cant wear shorts & skirts ! alot of other ppl think tht i look good for my aqe ! but i dont think so ! & its mosty my thiqhs. i HATE them ! my stomachs not tht bad but it can use alittle help !! but i need some advice on how to lose some wieght without to much work !!!! HELP PLZ !!!!!!!




  1. i am younger then you and i am 140 and i am fat not you  

    but i have a problem that is why i am fat

    but you are not fat

  2. 120 pounds is not at all fat! You should just do mild excercises to tone up.  

  3. Many times to answer a question one must dissect the question.

    You stated you, "Feel" fat and that is really more of a mental and emotional state.  I f you look fat, then thats more on the physical side.

    So first determine if you, "Feel" or "Look" fat.

    If you feel fat and you are not, you may need the support and counseling of others.

    If you look fat then two things can help you achieve the look you desire.

    Those two things would involve :

    1.Changing your current eating habits, by reducing your calorie intake vs calorie expenditure. (learning about calories is not hard)

    This will result in the elimination of excess fat storage.

    2. Incorporating a Cardio workout into your lifestyle at least 3 times a week for a half hour or more. (simply walking briskly is good cardio)

    This will result in excess fat being burned off your body increasing your tone.

  4. Like all my friends are like that!

    They look finee.

    You should be fine.

    Dont worry about it.

  5. 120 isnt fat.  and you prolly should just not worry about it.  thighs are usually large and thats not necesarrily a bad thing but if u want to lose weight on your thighs do some squats or running

  6. play sports,dance and do martial arts baby..guys love girls with curves...of course too much curves are too fastfoods,junkfoods and sugary drinks(2 cheat meals a week is ok)

  7. im 5'2 and 87lbs but i have an eating disorder. your perfect for your age ;)

  8. you sld trust what other compliment abt you!

    we always tend to look at ourselves with a critical eye.

  9. omg u sound just like me! im 14 too and the same weight as well

    i feel the same way all the time... but i know im not that fat and ur probably not either. and if other people say ur not fat and that u look good then its most probably true!

    there is seriously NO way to lose weight without too much work... just do an hour of exercise 3 or 4 times a week (a mixture of running, skipping, sit ups, squats, weight lifting, all that kinda stuff) and u will be healthy and after a while u will definitely see results!

    no matter what u do dont think that thats too much effort and that ull just reduce the amount of food you eat - that confuses ur body and ur metabolism goes way outta whack thinking that your body has to go a long time without food, and will start storing more fat than muscle, which is the opposite of what you want! you should eat a small meal every 3 hours... and drink 8 glasses of water a day, its as simple as that.

    hope i helped you hun :)

  10. Just eat healthy and try not to eat the fastfood so much. And a lot of people have some kind of problem with their body, no matter how much they might say they don't. My cousin is 12 and is skinny like a toothpick and weighs like 70-80 pounds and she thinks her thighs are huge!! Everyone has something about themselves that they don't like. But if we obsess over how we look we'll probably be miserable because before you thought you were "fat" you were perfectly happy right? And then whenever you thought you were fat you weren't as happy, am I right? lol.

  11. If you need help ask your psychiatrist

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