
I feel I like I was raped?

by  |  earlier

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I've been seeing this girl for a few weeks now. I'm 19 and she's a couple of years older than me. I've never been in a relationship before, and things went a lot faster than I wanted. At first I was overwhelmed at how well I was getting on with her. I'd never clicked in that way with a girl and she made me feel like I was worth something. After about 2 months of friendship she finally asked me out on a date. I was really excited, so I agreed. She told me I was unlike anyone she'd ever met before and she thought we were soul-mates. Then after the date she said she wanted to come back to mine. I said I wanted to take things slower and develop a relationship first, but she insisted on going back to my place, threatening to create a scene and spread lies about me to my friends if I wouldn't let her. So I said ok. When we got back to mine she said she wanted s*x, and I said I didn't really want on the first date. She said I was so special to her she couldn't bear not to connect with me physically. She also said if I didn't have s*x with her she'd consider that to be a form of rape -- spiritual rape she called it -- and said that rape was a crime. So I had s*x with her. Afterwards she dumped me and started dating someone else, and has spread rumors about me being g*y. I feel I was tricked into losing my virginity, and I feel that she raped me.




  1. Tell the police

  2. hi,

    the next time okok.. there is not going to be next time cause virginity is only one so I mean that next time someone try to you to do something that you don't want...just say no... you see what happened you realizeded that she was playing should have heard your conscious.

  3. We've answered this once today, already.

  4. you NEED to tell a cop about this.

  5. Honey, you were definitely taken advantage of.  I am so sorry for you.  Women can be manipulative, and cruel.  Whatever it is she has done will come back to her, Karma does not forgive.  

  6. Telling a cop will do no good. Your 19 yrs old and of legal age. The cops will tell you that your an adult now and should have known better. I've had women use me for s*x and nothing else but that. They were horny and needed a quick fix. You have been taught a lesson at a young age. Learn from your experience and try not to let it happen again.

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