I was recently discharged from my previous employer due to a verbal altercation eith another associate, whom was totally in the wrong. While servicing customers from three different areas of my job, I became overwhelmed and asked for assistance from the other associates whom were tending to personal business and eating in their windows rather than waiting on customers. After asking for assistance a second time, I was hysterically confronted by one of them and was verbally attacked. I turned to my acting supervisor at the time for assistance who's response was for me to ignore the associate. After continuing to work and ignore the associates raves and finally settling down, she started again later only more abusive and stepping in my path of walk. I had previous to this day spoken with management regarding the unfair workload and accountability, as well as the workplace hostilities. This associate had in less than two weeks been verbally abusive and confrontational with three associates prior to me with no reprimands or writeups, except to return to her window and be quiet, which she didnt do after management was not present. We were both eventually fired, but my frame of mind on this is that had she been reprimanded for her previous bad acts, and the issues I presented to management were addressed as they said they would, the incident that resulted in me loosing my job would not have happened. I did not swear at nor did I touch her. I feel that had management protected me rather than tell me to ignore her or address the issues they said they'd already acknowledged previous to my complaint, I would not have had a need to defend myself. What do I do now? I have been out of work for almost three months, denied unemployment because they classified it as misconduct (viloation of company policy), and the telling the truth in employment application is working against me. Please help.