
I feel SO fat?????????????

by  |  earlier

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Hayy..... I'm 5'2 and I weigh 105 lbs...... i know, im SO fat!! I need help figuring out ways to lose weight....... and don't tell me that I'm not fat, because I know I am!!




  1. You are not fat!!!!! I am so sick of you people!!!!!! If you have some flab just do some toning exercises but you're not fat!!!

  2. ...your not fat but if you want to look thinner maybe tone your body, sit-ups, lift weights etc.

  3. Half the questions here are teens asking if they are fat or not, just forget about it, your not.

  4. Actually, you are just barely not underweight. If you lose any more pounds you will be underweight. I think you "feel" your fat, but you dont actually "look" fat. When you look in the mirror its almost like you are not seeing what your really looking like because you keep telling yourself so much that your fat, when your not. This could be related to low self-esteem/confidence and how you feel about yourself.  Though anyone who tells you your not fat, you will just ignore and think you are right. I think the problem here is more psycholoical.

  5. Well dude if you know your fat, who am I to say otherwise?

    Ask your parents how you would lose weight and see what they have to say about it.

  6. actually your skinny.

  7. You're not fat.

  8. omg stfu

  9. Honey your're not fat!! jeez i hate when girls do to them selves it just destroys them! I'm 5'5 and 103!!  Am I underwieght lol? I've always wondered. 13 5'5 and 103.

  10. Nah, you're just posting here so we can tell you you're not fat, because your real problem is psycholoical (body dysmorphia), not physical :)

    Now get outta the way and make room for the people with real problems LOL :)

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