
I feel VERY unattractive becuz NO guys are talking to me!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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We just started Skool and alot of guys are trying to get girlfriends and stuff but none of them want me, i havent been talked to once. Whats the reason for this? Ive been told that i am attractive plenty times, so i know its true, but 4 some reason Guys just dont want to talk to me!! It makes me feel SO ugly. I dont even really want a boyfriend, i just want guys to notice me, and stuff. I dont understand. Whats wrong with me?????




  1. maybe ur just so hot that thier scared to talk to u  

  2. post a pic and i will answer!

  3. Well maybe u should try 2 talk to guys..

    im pretty sure your very gorgeous.

    but one thing thats really s**y about a girl is confidence

    so you try to go talk to them.


    it workss 4 me.

    ALL the time

  4. guys=  wtf

  5. guys are stupid

    they are all after one thing

    but sweety donnot give it to them

    it is not worth it

  6. Dont worry about it- they're probably just too shy to talk to such a pretty girl, or they might feel that they're out of their league to even try and talk to you.

    Otherwise they're just retarded.  

  7. umm idk lmao

  8. Relax.  You're awfully young to have this kind of angst.  You're at school so you can learn, not so you can hook up with somebody.  Case in point: the correct spelling is "school."  See what you can pick up when you're paying attention?

    As for the guys, if you're not actually trying to establish any kind of relationship with anyone, then why do you even care?  If you know you looked good when you left the house, then nothing anyone can say is going to change that fact, and if they don't notice you, it's their problem that they missed a pretty sight.  So let it go, it doesn't matter.

    There's nothing wrong with you.  Rather, nothing wrong that getting through puberty won't fix.

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