
I feel a little broken inside but I don't know why...?

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I feel like crying for no reason and if I don't I feel like I WANT to cry... =( I don't know whyy =/

Maybe it's hormones but I don't know ....




  1. Sometimes it's good to find a reason to release it. A good sad movie works well (try August Rush). We release stress hormones in our tears so it's good to have a good cry, no matter if it's hormones or not.

  2. Its a forecast of your future!

    You be going to be dying be soon.

  3. Talk to have underlying emotions apparently.

    And for questions like these, you'll most likely get better answers in another category/section.

    Hope things work out alright!

  4. No offense but a great song title.

       I'll assume you are young, as perhaps those who answer might be, and certainly there must be a reason, either emotional or clinical.

       While I have no real clue as to the hormonal situations going on in a teen female body and how ther affect the mind, I am familiar with my gender, when I once was a teen.

       Since you don't detail the TRIGGERS, we can only offer vague suggestions, and it may be that you just need to DO IT as a form of release of whatever tensions have built up.

       I suspect you could talk to someone, but you might choose someone in your own age range, who might be enduring similar issues, have vague advice, as they too may be inexperienced, and yet I also might suspect talking to an adult isn't something you're considering.

       We can't know of the boyfriend you use as an ID name, nor your home or school situation. We can't know of you life, even in a general sense, to offer any specifics. Your issues could even overwhelm a professional???

    A Few examples:

    Over weight

    unpopular in school

    Poor grades in school

    general alienation by anyone

    Home life/ situation

    age and its restrictions

    relationships, most especially what you expect or assume

    Clinical issues such as Bi-Polar or other depression issues

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Doc Wolf

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