
I feel a sense of doom with the possibility of Obama being president. Anyone else?

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I feel a sense of doom with the possibility of Obama being president. Anyone else?




  1. Don't worry...he doesn't have a prayer.  Bush supports McCain and has the money to pay off the electorals.  McCain is all of a sudden an eligable candidate though Bush cleaned his clock in the 2004 primaries.

  2. Yes, but I didn't use a crystal ball, I just read teh CFR and UN publications

  3. No Because I know John McCain will win.

  4. You have expressed yourself in exactly the way I feel.  I used almost the same words that you did to express my feelings. There is something about Obama that is not 100%.  It lies below the surface and I am afraid that it will come up when he is elected (if the people are stupid enough to elect him). He lies and tries to be subtle about it, but he is far from subtle. His companions are shady characters and there are members on his campaign roster that have been cited as being sub-communists. Americans must make an effort to refrain from voting for this man even though he mesmerizes many people, especially the young. My wife calls him the anti- Christ.

  5. im not even voting because i dont like any of the candidates honestly!

    im not feeling a female,black,and DEF. not republican...

    --AND [i dont wanna hear ANYB0DYS remarks about me being racist] thank you.

    {reasoning being im scared for Obamas life,come on shes a female, and i dont have to say anything about mccain but republican!}


  6. yea me too. its not tha fact that he is black that bothers me. It's because he's a muslim..JUST LIKE THA PPL THAT BOMBED US ON 9/11. so yea..i dont get y sum1 would vote for him. U kno he's gunna stick by the muslim side. he's prolly tryin 2 get in office so he can bomb us all. If he wins. he'll prolly send all troops home...just so that it would b easier for more terriorist attacks. if he wins...i'd say WE R DOOMED. but u never kno..he may b tha best thing that ever happened 2 America.

  7. No because there isn't a real possibility of that happening. He doesn't have the numbers any way you figure it.

  8. Obama can't do any worse then the jerk in office now. If McCain gets voted in, then we have to deal with another 4 years of bush like policies. That should be giving you the sense of doom.

  9. I feel a sense of doom with the possibility of 4 more years of republican rule.  Expecially with the recent rumers that Jeb Bush will be McCain's running mate.

  10. It will be worst thing to ever happen to this country, what a nightmare.

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