
I feel as if my aunt is choosing her ex boyfriend over me, and it really hurts?

by  |  earlier

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He's staying at her house, and I'm not allowed over there now, which really sucks because I need to get out of my house, and thats the only place I can go. My aunt is the person in my family I am closest to, and she's the only one I could ever say I trusted. I don't like her ex, he has said sexual things to my best friend and I when I was fifteen and she was fourteen, and he's hit my aunt in front of me before, and he drags her down to his level. Thanks to him, about a year ago she had quit taking her meds[shes HIV positive]. He does crack, and is an alcoholic, and shes a recovering alcoholic. & then she gets mad at me for being upset that she keeps letting him ruin her life.

I'm I wrong for feeling that she's choosing him over me?

& can someone possibly cheer me up?




  1. You're not wrong for feeling this way. If she loves you she won't chose him over you. Try to be nice and maybe just maybe he'll show it back.

    Your Aunt should be lucky to have such a great and thoughtful niece.

  2. You are definately not wrong for feeling this way. It is perfectly normal especially since he is this way. It's sad how some nice people get wrapped into situations like this. Cheer Up, or at least try (I know it's hard).

  3. My dear, if you aunt is getting rid of an abusive man for you, then you are doing her a favor! Now maybe the two of you can go do something fun and healthy. Any man who sexually harasses teen aged girls or hits a woman EVER is not someone to be around... drugs and an alcoholic? This is a no brainer. Do not doubt yourself. Get your aunt to a workshop about personal growth and you can both learn how to set boundaries and only accept the best in life. One of my favorite quotes is: "The best way to get what you want is to say "NO" to what you don't want."

    Say "no" to any abusive man and leave the door open to a good, strong man with integrity.

    You stay strong and sweet! <3

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