
I feel ashamed of myself?

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I let stress get to me and I walked away form the woman I love so much and now I'm living back at my parents at 27 and I feel like my life is ruined. I left her over something so dumb and I feel ashamed and like a baby over the way I left. I don't know what to do anymore I just want to move forward but I feel as though I ruined my life. How do you let the past go and not dwell and regret. I get so caught up in could of would of should of and it eats me up. I just want to move forward in my life but I keep looking back




  1. Well this is part of life.Maybe it was best that you walked away from that women.Why did you walk away?There must have been some reason.And if she caused it then you shouldn't feel so bad about walking away because the was a reason.But you should forgive her.You might want to get back on your feet.Maybe your parents can help you get back on your feet.It is time that you press on and move on with your life.You can't stay in the same spot forever.You should pray to GOD about this.GOD is the one who can solve this the best.You're twenty seven and it is time that you enjoy your life and fous on the future and present now.You're going to make yourself miserable by focusing on the past so just please cheer up.I hope that I helped.GOD BLESS you!

  2. Maybe you are g*y.  You sound just like my g*y friend before he came out.  Do you have homoerotic dreams involving your mom catching you?  No really I think you are so g*y.  You don't have to be ashamed.  You should just try it out.  you can't knock what you haven't tried.

  3. You need to realize that everyone makes mistakes.

    You may have made a mistake, but you can be forgiven for it.

    If you still want the woman you love, tell her that what you did was dumb.

    Don't feel ashamed, try to fix your mistake and if things don't work out then it wasn't meant to be.

    & Life will move on.

  4. Been there, done that..for 30 years!!

    Read "the power of now" by Eckhart Tolle.....

    Will show you how to not live in the past or future....BUT THE PRESENT>>>


  5. Read a good book: "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda" by Arthur Freeman. It sounds like this book will really help you.  

  6. First off you have to forgive yourself.  You also should consider some counseling so you can learn some tools for understanding your decisons and how to resolve them.

    You are so young.  You have no idea what lies ahead of you.  When I was 27 I thought everything was so final and so dramatic.  Now that I am 60 I realize even now I have a lot of growing up to do and so much to accomplish.  My life is not over until I am dead.  Neither is yours.  YOu have much more time than I why do you think your life is ruined?

    Regret is something we all  have ...and you learn from it.  You learn  more about life and about yourself and what makes you happy.  You learn that life is precious and that the grass isnt' always greener on the other side...and sometimes when things seem at their can't run away from your problems.  It won't ever get better...NEVER...because your problems follow you.  Until you resolve them..until you fully understand why you do what you do.  Sometimes you have to change your thinking...and realize life is about other people too.  

    You could try to talk to her and let her know how you feel.  Being ashamed isn't a bad thing.  It shows we have remorse and  are facing consequences!  IT will also keep us from making the same mistake twice.  Tell her you are willing to do counseling...and let it be couples counseling too.    Maybe she misses you too...and is willing to try again.  If not..then you have to learn a very valuable lesson.

    Take one day at a to a therapist  see if some anti depressants will help.  Not everyone needs them...but they do help if you do need them.   They don't solve your problems...but help you relax a little so you can focus on problem solving.

    Good luck...


  7. I am guilty of doing the same thing. Letting the past bother me.  I move on because I know there is nothing that can be done about my past decisions.  I know that everything, even things I consider to be mistakes, are part of my life for a reason.  There will be a culmination at some point, perhaps good, perhaps bad.  I move on with the knowledge that even if the decision was a mistake, I have learned from it.

  8. Ah yes, stress interferes with thinking rationally. Being overly sensitive and emotional contributes to stress. Responses become unthinking, reactive (like, fight or flight)... The behaviour repeats, and you’re left with regret in hindsight – every time.

    If you are to move on in life, you first have to break this stress cycle. You need to consciously calm yourself down. It might help to practice deep breathing and relaxation exercises to keep both emotions and stress in check. It might also help to identify your faults/weaknesses that trigger such stress situations, and resolve them.

  9. we all make bad choices in life but we can learn from the experience and move on. You can begin again. It's a process but life is not over. Sometimes God gives us a second chance to cleanup what we messed up.

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