
I feel awkward with my bf.?

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We've been together for close to 6 years now. We love each other. We thoroughly enjoy each others company. We dont live together but meet almost every day.

But sometimes talkin to him on the phone gets awkward because we run out of topics to chat about. Maybe because we're meetin everyday or something. But it troubles me since its been happening more often now. We're fine when we meet. We talk a lot when other people are around. But we just cant seem to hold a phn conversation for over 3 minutes. Its happened outside the phone also sometimes. Is this a bad sign? Can anyone help. I hate to say 'i love you' to fill up the silences!




  1. I don't think it's a bad sign. When people are together for a long time, you get those silences. The bad thing is that people overanalyze them thinking that they are a sign your relationship is ending - when it's just being comofrtable enough with someone that you don't need to fill every second with chatter. You say you love each other and meet every day and enjoy each other's company, if you didnt feel that way about each other, that's where the problem would be. You've probably just gotten to that comofrtable stage that's inevitable (and actually really nice) when you've been together for that long. People mistake that stage for the end of a relationship, but I think it's nice. I wouldn't worry about it =)

  2. no it isnt bad, u guys just spend so much time together to the point where you dont have anything to talk about, its perfectly normal

  3. yes

    he is possessed

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