i want to sell my 2 year old horse-gelding but i feel really bad,like i'm betraying him...idk what to do,i can't handle him i am scared of him because of an accident we had in the field and he knows it and uses it against me. and i've talked to my cousins about it and they just say stop being scared and take control but i can't! idk what to do! I just want to sell him to a more exp. horse person,and i've put up an ad and this girl wants to buy him but now i'm freaking out cause i feel bad!! idk what to do,they will be mad at me if i sell him but i can't handle him properly and i probably never will! i want to have a horse i can trust and have confindence in and that i know i'll be safe around, i don't feel any of that with him! i don't trust him,i have no confidence in him...should i sell him? and if i don't what can i say to the girl who wants to buy him[i only put up the ad yesterday!] help!