
I feel bad for not holding my cat when he was euthanized...?

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My cat had a blood clot which paralyzed his back legs. There was nothing we could have done...but he was only 5 years old. I feel awful, as this was only yesterday. I also feel terrible because I wasn't there with him when he was euthanized. I said goodbye to him while he was sedated but I still feel awful since I wasn't there with him until the end. He was the best cat I have ever had...




  1. aww im so sorry for you :( this story almost made me cry! its ok im sure he loved you a lot and will always remember you.  again, i'm very very sorry :( i would be devestated if i had to get my cat euthanized. try getting another cat in about a month or two and maybe you will feel better...

  2. So sorry about your cat.  It always hurts.

    It's natural to have second thoughts and wonder what you could/ should have done differently.  You miss him and it hurts.

    You did fine saying goodbye as you did.  The saying goodbye is more for the ones who go on living.  You will likely have other pets, friends, you see euthanized.  You may choose differently then.  That's fine too.

    Rest easy that he's not suffering any more.

  3. Sorry about the loss of your dear kitty. I think once he was sedated he was too out of it to realize who was there.  Take care and cherish the good memories.

  4. I'm really sorry you lost your cat, it's always so hard to lose a pet, especially a young one. Don't feel bad about not being with him at the end - I've had many, many pets over the years, and whenever one has had to be put to sleep I have always left the room. It's just too sad to stay. At least you had the chance to say goodbye to him - I've had several cats run over, and never got to say goodbye to them, which made me feel dreadful. You did the right thing by ending his suffering. Try to remember all the good times you had with him. Don't let his loss put you off having pets in the future - of course it is awful when they die, but it's the price we pay for the years of joy and companionship they bring into our lives, and, at least in my opinion, it is a price worth paying.

  5. i wouldnt hold my dog if he were to be euthanized i would be to sad to be in the room. your cat loved you and is in a better place now  

  6. I'm so sorry.

    It's always hard losing an animal.

    Don't feel bad about not being there, you probably wouldn't have wanted to see it anyways. Your animal knew that you were there while he was sedated, after which, he was probably to out of it to know that you weren't there. Be comforted, he's feeling much better where he is now.

    I'm so sorry this happened, but, also know, that what you did was best. I applaud you for making the right choice. =)

    My heart goes out to you. May God's comfort be with you during your trial. <><

  7. I'm really sorry.... but I don't think your cat realized what was going on.  

  8. I know this sounds cliché, but isn't it supposed to be about the happiness of the life you and your cat spent together when he was alive, rather than how things ended?

    P.S. Please accept my deepest condolences.  

  9. Thank you so much for posting this.

    I put my 8 year old cat down at 3pm this afternoon, she leaves behind 3 brothers.

    Please, please, don't feel bad - you've done what you were able to do at this time. A difficult time indeed. What matters is that you were there providing the love and shelter for this little guy throughout his 5 years of life.

    Hang in there, honey.

  10. My heart goes out to you.

    Don't feel bad about that. It doesn't sound like you have anything to feel guilty about. You took care of him and loved him and that is the best you could have done.

  11. You were with him when he was sedated, so he wouldn't have remembered you not being there for the end.  A lot of people can't stand to watch their pets die.  

    At least you were there with him until he was sedated.

    I'm very sorry for your loss.

  12. I had to have my cat euthanazed because a schitophrenic relative refused to take his medication and said the cat had a 4pm deadline the next day... if he wasnt gone - he was going to kill him. I knew he was serious.

    Animal board was way too expensive. No friends wanted him.

    I took him to the vet... i had no other option really. There are already so many cats in the shelters. I didnt want to make him suffer.

    The vet shaved his little arm and injected him - the SECOND the injection went in - i saw his pupils dilate and he passed away. I was surprised how quick it was, and it consolled me.

    You did the best thing for your cat. I am sure it was very quick for him too. Get yourself another kitty. There is no point in being lonely.  

  13. You need to forgive yourself.  I have done it both ways over the years and the pain of the loss of a dear pet is the same whether we stay or go.  Some people handle staying with their pet better than others and you should not feel guilty because you chose not to hold your dear cat.  Your animal was in a terrible situation but has now crossed the Rainbow Bridge and his anguish has ended.

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