
I feel bad what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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Im a pregnant teen and my GP always gives me stuff for my unborn son like clothes, purity, baby soap and i feel bad. I used to be friends with her guardian daughter. I want to give her something she also gave us a chest of drawers. And somebody else is giving me a cot,car chair,pram and a few more things and i wana give them something thanking them.

What can i do to thank them?


If this is in the wrong category its because of the options i got




  1. You could let them name the child?

  2. The greatest reward you can give them is a huge big hug and a great big thank you, maybe even some flowers if you can afford it.  It is wonderful how people come to ones rescue when one needs the help and when they give they do it from the heart, not expecting to get anything back from you again.  All they want to know is that you will take care of your baby and give your baby a wonderful and a happy life.  This is going to be tough because being a mother demands a lot of your time, however, the fact that you are going to raise your baby, shows accountability and maturity. Get all the advice that you can and just be a good mother, regardless of what it will take from you. You have a precious gift and God knew it was going to come and this son is a treasure.  He was meant to be.  God knew him even before he was conceived in your womb, and God has a great purpose and a plan for your son. Never use him as a tool against his father but rather cherish him and make him know that you love him NO MATTER WHAT!  God will take care of you both too and he uses people to supply all of your needs. Even though your son is not from a marriage, God still loves him and just as he loves him he loves you. Begin to seek God and find him because he wants you to invite him into your life.  He will guide you and lead you, provide for you and care for you in more ways than one.  He will open doors you never imagined would open in your direction and all this because he loves you. Tell God all about how you feel and read the bible to encourage you to be positive and to do things the right way! The bible says "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."

  3. You can always tell them how much you appreciate them.  Or you could get a job..what follows after that is up to you.  

  4. It's wonderful be surrounded by people that are there for you. First of all, don't feel bad. They did it out of love and caring.

    If they want anything, I think all they would want is a thank you, healthy child, and for you to try to be the best mom that you can be.

    It might be also nice to give them a nice hand written letter expressing you thanks.

    Good luck to you and your son!

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