
I feel bulky from waist,belly,chest & shoulders..i gained only 3 lbs depress :(?

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im 5'4 ,27 yrs old,i was 135 lbs i lost 15 lbs by excersizing for 8 weeks in feb-april ..and finally achieved my goal of 120lbs..and quited excersizing from May 15th 2008 uptill now becuz of busy schedules & responsibilities..i weigh myself yesterday it was showing 123 lbs,i was so depress,,i started my workout today 1 hour but havent started my diet plans yet..i mean my lower areas is fine n fit..slim..face,thighs, butts n legs..but i feel bulky from belly,arms chest,shoulders..basically the trunk area..not much but a lil bit..HOW LONG shud it take me to get rid of tht fat iv put on in 3 1/2 months? sure iv put more fat than on the scale as fat is lighter i guess :( any specific excersizes for it ?

i'v started treadmill 1 mile,jumproping 500 times,4 weight training excersizes it takes 45 min ..and lots of water..Am i doing right ? If i regularly do this any idea how long will it take to get in shape and get my ideal weight again of 120 lbs. i dont want result on the scale though i want to loose inches ! cuz scale isnt showing much change than the real me..

Helppppppppp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. cardio is a great way to loose weight, but make sure you hydrate, or the weight you loose will be water weight, and you will gain it right back. the mid section for toneing is easily done by doing a few sets of the following exersizes

    inns and outs

    flutter kicks

    hello dollies

    bicycle crunches

    leg lifts

    inverse crunches

    inverted crunches

    regular crunches or situps

    oblique crunches (for the love handles)

    steam engines

    cardio, jogging, jumping jacks,

    8 count body builders

    you can see diagrams of most of these on google. i am a military fitness advisor. i have to keep 150 seabees in shape on a weekly basis, and boy do they love to drink, so it is a challenge to burn that beer drinking mid section, but this works great. need any thing else just let me know

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