
I feel different? ........?

by Guest59428  |  earlier

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like.....okay I play video games and use the computer ALL the time, my job is to set up parties, my boyfriend is from Sweden (and lots say this is a bad thing...0o ) I like giving gifts to people, I dream of fame but also I push for it a bit, I'm nervous about a lot of things that some other girls seems easy with them, I don't really look that normal at all... . I have a very hard time lasting in a job because its hard for me to move a lot or stand up or remember things or hold a normal conversation...I talk people like to talk about things that im not really into alot of them talk about a fight they got into at a party or something and I've never been to a party or gotten drunk or any of that and I'm this all weird....I'm also not pregnant 0.0 my favorite songs are in Japanese, my favorite food is sushi, I'm an anime freak, I cry a fair bit, I dress up in cat suits and dance around on youtube, my friend is a solid snake obsesser. I have 3 counselors and 2 doctors, I have a hard time in class, my mom has a bad occupation (as in not appropriate) I have autism, depression (dysthima) anxiety, ocd.....




  1. if people were all exactly the same, life would be very boring indeed, you sound like an interesting person. I'm not pregnant either, I can't say I've ever been that bored or lonely! The real freaks are the people who want to be "exactly the same" as other people, because it's technically and genetically impossible withou cloning. My message to anyone who thinks they have a definition of "normal" is not very polite.

  2. you are different but trust me youre not the only one. usually when im having a long conversation with someone im b it ching about something and my tastes in virtually everything are very different from everyone elses. and i cant really relate to that many people either so dont worry youre not the only one

  3. i dont want to be mean at all i think you should consider joining a group to hang out that is for kids with autism you will fit in amazingly with other kids with them. try my link. ask your couselors and parents about joining one

  4. well if you have autism then that explains it, kids that have autism usualy dont fit in well with others.. thats an actual fact... its there behavior they like to be independant.. but that has nothing to do with anything, you sould like a normal person, I know alot of people like that.. i hate parties too and dont go to them at all.. i just graduate and im not pregnant, sadly my twin sister is =(

    oh and u look pretty! dont be upset and dont try to "fit in" and be stupid like the rest of ppl our age!

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