
I feel energy coming from my spine up to my forehead sometimes. It takes concentration though. So what is this

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? Please tell me. I am twelve. I'm interested in Buddhism and Hinduism, and i've done yoga a few times, A class in my town gym. does this have something to do w/ meditation or w/e? Help please.....




  1. Research chakra's. I don't really knwo much about them, but I think your forehead is where one of the main chakra's are located

  2. In Chinese energy work (chi kung), the "microcosmic orbit" is a cycle of energy that begins about 1.5 inches below your navel, travels down the belly and around the perineum, up the spine and across the top of the head, down the front of the head and back down to the place below your navel.

    The spot below the navel is called, in Chinese, the "dan tien," or "energy garden." This is the source of our "chi," or life force.

    In the Chinese way of thinking of these things, when we cultivate this energy through meditation practice, our lives become very stable and resourceful.

    You feel this energy naturally and that's very wonderful!

    Here's a way to work with the microcosmic orbit.

    Sit in a meditation position or chair with your eyes partially closed. Keep your mouth closed and your tongue touching the roof of your mouth.

    Then, breathe in and visualize your energy cycling down from the dan tien, around and up your spine, around the head and down to the upper lip. Then exhale and visualize the energy traveling slowly down, back to the dan tien.

    Repeat this cycle for ten minutes and you will gain new energy for your life!

    Both your inhalations and exhalations should be very slow. And if you can make the exhalation even slower than the inhalation, that will strengthen your energy.

    Have fun with this -- you are very sensitive to your life force and it is a wonderful gift!

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