
I feel exhausted but i can't sleep

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Ok its about 5 in the morning and i just can't sleep everytime i lay down its another problem filling my head i end up with a huge head ach. I just need something 2 clear my mind i alreadu tryed drinkin a calmin tea amd i took a warm bath and am still awake some one please help i need some sleep plz




  1. Think about something that isn't bothering you what fun things your going to do tomorrow

    Or think about what you would LIKE to dream about...

    Just stop thinking about what's worrying you and think about sinking into your pillow and laying your head down, think about th warm covers wrapped around you and think about falling asleep. =]

    I have insomnia too and it works x*x

  2. get blind drunk and just pass out

  3. maybe ur insomniac like i am

    i only get about 5 hours of sleep a week, but in order to get that much, i have to basically will myself to fall asleep

    i focus on dreams that i want to have, and it exhausts your mind to help you fall asleep

    focus on a random story of your own creation, or completely replay a book or movie that you hav read. works for me sometimes

  4. I have the same problem sometimes. Then eventually start to sleep around the time I need to get up lol.

    Copious amounts of Red Bull is a life saver the day after lol.

    Usually, but not always, after 2 days of no sleep I can sleep well again. I've had it pretty bad sometimes to the point where I was only getting sleep every 2 nights.

    I believe it's caused by stress, as it gets worse for me at times and my mind just wont stop thinking.

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