
I feel farther along then I am.?

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I am only about 4 weeks along according to the on-line pregnancy calculator, (I cannot go to the doctor until I'm 2 weeks late, according to tricare) so I still have a little over the week, but as I read some of the symptoms in the week by week guide, it makes me feel that I'm farther along. I am very tired, eat a lot, pee frequently, and i'm already not fitting into some of my clothes. Anyone else ever feel that way?




  1. I lookd further along when I was barely pregnant because you bloat alot. And It was horrible!!! It will go down and you will start to see a real pregnant belly in a few months. I had alot of my symptoms super early,so its ok,just be happy,and take care of yourself!

  2. I think most women are concerned that they are further along in their pregnancies then is estimated.  Don't worry too much, all the signs of prengancy can happen in the first week after conception, so it's nothing to get too freaked out about.  You're doctor will eventually do an ultrasound and measure the baby to make sure the estimated due date is correct.

  3. That's normal, some just get the feelings earlier than others due to higher levels of HCG. It's different for every woman. If you aren't but a week late, then you are where you are supposed to be week wise.  

  4. I just found out I'm 4 weeks as well, and I know when I conceived because it was IVF.  I started feeling symptoms about 10 days after we transfered. People told me it was too early to feel anything but I knew what I was feeling (it wasn't my 1st IVF cycle.) Symptoms are different for everyone.  While you could be further along, it's more likely just your body adjusting to your pregnancy.  I've been feeling the same, pretty bloated too!  Hang in there, we've got a long way to go! Congrats!

  5. Just relax, hun! Wait until you go to the doctor, they'll be able to tell you for sure! Good Luck!

  6. 100% normal. The second you find out you're pregnant it's like all those symptoms automatically kick in!! I think it happens to a majority of us. It does not however mean you are further along, so wait out your week or two and go to the doctor, enjoy this time not having to go because by the time it's all over you will be so sick of going to the clinic!!!  

  7. I felt like that with all three of my pregnancies. I just start showing sooner than most girls but I wasn't ahead of schedule.

    My best friend also just found out she was pregnant with her second and she complains of the same thing.

    I used to have Tricare (for my second pregnancy) I don't remember having to wait until I was 2 weeks LATE to confirm pregnancy! That's a bunch of nonsense! I do know that they shouldn't do an ultrasound until you're 2 weeks late (6 weeks in). That's the soonest they should see a fetal pole growing or a heartbeat.


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