
I feel fat?? i wanna lose weight!!!!!?

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.age ..14......5'4" female 130lb and im in swimming..size 3-5pants and (M ) in shirt size 6 1/2 shoe...looks like i am getting a gut and i dont wanna do crunches cause it hurts my back... what else should i do???




  1. Swimming is ideal for toning and slimming.  The more laps every day the better.

  2. from your weight, age, and height it sounds like your healthy. Mabye you just need some toning. Mabye you can try yoga, or pilates. These are quite low impact, and not only will you feel leaner, you'll be able to concentrate easier, and you'll feel healthier.

  3. crunches don't help you lose weight, you need to cut back on your meal portions & eat a healthy balanced diet, exercise at least 3-5 times a week depending on how much you REALLY need to lose. However I actually recommend sit-ups for a bad back, if done correctly they actually help strengthen you back. make sure your chin does not touch your chest and your lower back is always pushed into the floor, focus on the arch of your back pushing a balloon into the floor, using a balloon half blown up placed in arch of your back actually helps with your technique. Your only 14 if you eat healthy & exercise you should not find it difficult to lose weight, don't be too obsessed with your weight, it makes it harder to lose it, if you try not to focus on it so much you'll be suprised how the weight may drop off.

  4. Oh shut up about being fat. You're not. You are actually fine. If you want to lose some weight which I don't believe you need to do so. Go running, not only will it tone up your body it will help your metabolism and help you lose fat but you will gain muscle. i guarantee. so don't be thrown off by your scale if you weigh more than 130 and look slimmer. =)

  5. you could try hoola hooping or gymnastics

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