
I feel guilty about buying another bunny?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so i just bought a new bunny [more info in my previous question] and i feel really guilty because that bunny was really close to this other bunny in the pet store. and i could only take one, so i took the one that was definitely the same s*x as my other bunny. now, since both those bunnies are male, the older one is being territorial. i feel guilty because i took away my new bunny from a friend, and introduced it to a territorial bunny. ahh, i don't know what to do. i feel really sad.




  1. The older bunny will warm up to the younger one. It just takes time. Maybe you should get the other bunny.

  2. i felt the same when that happened to me, but after a while the older bunny will get used to having the other one around and settle down. And i feel your pain about the other buuny, dont worry someone else will buy it. hope this helped :D  

  3. I would feel terrible too. The best you can do is buy that bunny too, you'll feel worse if you see that somebody already bought him before you :(

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